Providing legal services, particularly in Bamiyan and Paktia, is crucial due to the unique challenges these communities face. Here are some key considerations and potential approaches for establishing effective support services in these areas: UN Women is providing financial support for this program, which has successfully registered and resolved 453 cases of gender-based violence (GBV) […]
In July 2023, DAWEO signed a project agreement with UNWomen, which encompasses several components, including health, psychosocial support, workshops, economic empowerment, and legal assistance. Based on an assessment conducted in February 2023, DAWEO identified that many women and girls were suffering from mental health disorders. In response, DAWEO developed a comprehensive training and workshop program […]
The increasing number of refugees, returnees, and IDPs in Bamiyan are facing significant challenges in accessing basic services, livelihood opportunities, and protection due to limited resources and infrastructure. This situation not only hampers their integration but also poses risks to their well-being and exacerbates social tensions in host communities. Addressing these issues is crucial to […]